Companies and businesses that use science

Local businesses

Yorkshire Science is the name for the Science and Innovation Council for Yorkshire and the Humber.  Its ezine is useful for finding companies that are innovative through science in the region.  Use these links to find out more: Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 4, Issue 5. lists business details.  Click on the link to find a search result for science businesses that are close to RCS.  Some business will have their own website, others may just have a brief summary of their business.

Touch local will give you details of company’s names and locations to get you started.

More information about careers in science

You can get some ideas about the different types of business that use science from the Connexions jobs4u careers site.  Use the links on the right side of the page to find more details about specific careers including; what the job entails, different employers, training and qualifications, salary and working conditions.  There are also links to organisations and companies for further information that may be helpful.

You could also use some of the science job/recruitment sites to get ideas about the vast range of companies that use science.  Try Science Careers from the journal Science.  Look at the huge number of disciplines outlined in the advanced search to see the different areas that use science. 
Or you could have a look at the New Scientist’s jobs page.  The New Scientist include jobs for local, national and international companies.

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